The word 'latte' actually means 'milk' in Italian. An Italian cafe e latte ('coffee and milk') is coffee mixed with milk, much like the French cafe au lait ('coffee with milk'), but both are very different from the latte we know.
Nowadays outside of Italy, latte has come to mean a drink comprising one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk. Steamed milk is mainly hot milk with froth on top for effect.
Similar to cappuccino but with twice as much milk and hence a milkier taste, the latte is often flavored with sweet syrups.
With a bit of practice and the right tools you can make a great latte at home, saving money in the long run and impressing your friends.
This is what you need:
An espresso machine
A steam wand, which comes with most espresso machines, to heat the milk.
A metal pitcher in which to heat the milk and make the foam.
Shot glasses
Homogenized cold milk - try whole and skim to see which you prefer
Good quality espresso beans ground medium to fine
Tall glass or a coffee mug
Flavored syrup (if you wish) available from speciality stores and some coffee bars.
Start by steaming your milk:
Pour two thirds of a cup milk, or half a cup if using flavoring, into a cold pitcher.
Secure the thermometer inside the pitcher and steam the milk so it reaches a temperature of around 150 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are not using a thermometer, you know the milk is hot enough when you can no longer hold the container.
Begin with the steam wand at the top of the pitcher to create the foam. Keep the tip close to the surface; diagonally, not straight and when it is lukewarm or 100 degrees Fahrenheit, lower the wand into the milk until it heats up to 150 degrees. Turn off the steam wand, set the pitcher aside on the espresso machine warmer plate and brew your espresso.
Putting it together:
Usually a latte comes in a tall glass on a napkin and saucer; other times, a cappuccino cup large enough for the barista to show off his surface latte art.
If using flavored syrup, pour a shot or spoon a few teaspoons into your glass/mug with sugar to taste.
Layer the beverage so it looks good. You do this by first pouring two shots of freshly brewed espresso into your latte glass and within 10 seconds, the milk.
Roll the milk around in the steam pitcher until glossy on top. With a spoon push the foam aside to stop it from pouring out with the milk. Then pour milk from the bottom of the pitcher over the espresso until the cup is about two thirds full.
Stir if using flavored syrup and sugar before filling the cup with the froth which was at the top of the pitcher. Use the spoon to direct the flow of foam, or spoon it over the beverage so it blends nicely with the espresso crema.
Sprinkle with chocolate shavings or dust with ground chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg if you wish, and enjoy.