It is no secret that in the French press coffee lovers make better tasting coffee. A French press pot or press, as they are sometimes called, really brings all the flavors, flavors that are silent in other forms of coffee. A sip of coffee from a French press and I'm sure you'll agree.
With a French press is easy to do here is simple steps that will guide you in the process.
Start by boiling water.
To ensure the absolute maximumcool when the water is boiling, grind the beans. You want a grind, so read through the filter, so as to keep as much as possible from the cup.
Remove the top and filters.
Add in the ground, two tablespoons for each 55-6 ounces of water.
First, pour just enough water to cover the reasons, so that they begin to bloom and during the process.
Add the remaining water, leaving enough room to put the lid and filter again up.
If you like, stir with a wooden spoon or plastic.
Replace the lid and filter again, but do not press on the filter.
Let steep for three to five minutes ago.
Push the coffee grounds down to separate them from the liquid. Let rest for a short period for the site.
Pour it in your cup of coffee and let it sit for a minute or two, so that the remaining sediment at the bottom of the filter> Cup.
extra Pour into a jug or thermos. When you hold the French press, will be saturated, since the creation of a bitter tasting brew.
Enjoy fresh-tasting cup of coffee.
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