DIY 8 Steps to Create Online Dating Photos
# 1 Introduction
If your serious about finding a partner with the online dating service, you must have a good number of photos, including at least one good photo. All dating sites to tell you. What I do not say, but you probably already know, is that most people put a typical example of their profiles are simply not good enough. Most people try to use what is available, exampleswe all have seen are: -
• The self-portrait shot with the contents of your kitchen / bathroom / bedroom complete. Chaos is all the background information for the world to see. The picture is fussy and the color is completely off his is all red, or see the person as a bad dose of jaundice
· One of the boys are particularly vulnerable to a mug shot of the room by a friend with a camera phone. It was probably one too many, and isshown. The pictures are too dark because there is not much light at the pub, or its registration with the camera flash in which case it seems that they are just scared silly.
• A is the party killed the girls on the beach, the attempt, the idea that to be a serious professional girls looking for a long-term relationship portray. The problem is the focus of the boy and his eyes have gone south. The two things do not look in his eyes. Whatcan write in their profiles is useless, have already made a good impression, but not what you wanted.
• A second for boys, the picture with his shirt off. You are not Mr. Universe, and even if one of these physical, which was made from hundreds of hours in the gym, they really need good lighting so that it looks good. It seems only really cheap.
• The DIY close up shot, which was done with the phone, about 45Degrees to the right when" title="hand">handed. Super detail every single scratches, stains and imperfections highlighted beautiful. All you can really see is the nose and eyes.
° can not put the jewel holiday, they know some do forget. Great shot of the places and people are the small dot in the middle.
You probably think that I will tell you that you have to do the images of a professional portrait photographer, and yes and no. YesThis brings you some great pictures that will really enhance your profile.
However, start with just your dating profile of the ground you can get a good photo to create yourself. I can help give the following self-help / Do you have written instructions. For some people this is great if you want especially if you are lucky to be photogenic. For those who will be required from the crowd, dating sites and are very competitive, then it might be worthAn investment in a professional photo shoot.
# 2 What's in a photo
At the beginning can be made to think about what should be a picture on the dating profile or not. Your photo / picture tells other people a lot about you, or at least subjectively, feels he does. People want to see your face. If people are linking to your photos with you to see, usually means they want to see your eyes, eye contact is so important in a portrait. Thissnapshot for the holiday on the beach wearing sunglasses he felt like a big picture, it looks cool, sophisticated, etc. In fact, it's pretty useless, might as well put the sunglasses on a coconut and put a picture of yourself on your dating profile. Glasses seem to have something to hide, and tends to conclude that your insecurity.
People realize that your portrait reflects your lifestyle and your life story. In reality, we know that this is not the case,but nevertheless that is how our perception works. They want a photo of your impression of your values of life, quality of life, what is important to get it if you can relate to. So things like hairstyle, skin color, clothes, jewelry, entertainment of all, add the impression.
Until now, are you perhaps you do not think that your photo on a dating site if people are all read in a small photo. The bottom line is that all your photo needsreach, is the person you get to read on to find your profile, and with this and your photo (s) will be in touch.
To create the photo
Three ingredients to achieve the desired image.
1 camera
2 Light
3 Composition (U.S.)
Camera # 3
I'm going on the assumption that you are not an expensive camera because digital camera must be alone, that is in the phone. Well,will suffice. A bit 'boring Techies things: - the phone's camera is probably about 1.4 mega pixel, can be a 2-megapixel or more. Some of the new" title="hand">handsets have 8 megapixel cameras, and that's better than some professional cameras, where not long ago. A 1.4-megapixel camera produces an image that fills most of a web page. When you upload pictures to the site of meetings will reduce the image size. So your basic camera phone is good enough forApplication to.
However, one of the first questions you need to do is you who will operate the camera? If the aid of someone you know would be great, can not win, because it would be much easier. However, this does cause this unpleasant questions about what you want your photos for you?, O? Your not on any of these dating sites are. If you run to someone on camera, make sure it is someone you can relax with. A stranger from the street, "may be a pictureI stick to whatever it is, it is not easy to go to work!. Someone you can really make a world of difference to relax. Imagine what I would ask you, mother to the photos of you for dating profile business, I do not know about you, but this is scary!
Ok, so there is no one to operate the camera, but most cameras, including those on mobile phones have a timer delay mode. This means that when the camera looks at the options menuPhone, but it's worth it. If you can not see how DIY, pop in your mobile phone shop and will find it for you, and do not ask what you want the images to. The delay timer can be your best friend in this situation, if you have 10 seconds of delay you did!
So grab a friend or his or range of time, but do not ask someone from the street.
# 4 Lighting
In view of photography amateur photographers on the establishment,professional photographers think about money, and art photographers think about the light. You're going to become and art photographer, well one small step in that direction. To get a good picture you don't need flash lights, reflectors, a studio etc etc, all you need is the great big light blub in the sky. Its the best light source there is, but you have to use it the right way, here are some simple rules :-
Take your pictures outside or if indoors by a large window.
Avoid direct bright sunlight, it will highlight the wrinkles and pimples etc
Best time of day is about mid to late afternoon, not the middle of the day. Sunlight a couple of hours before sunset produces a warmer set of colours.
What you want is a bright overcast day, plenty of light but nicely defused by the clouds, this makes the skin look softer. If it's a bright clear day you will need to be in the shade. Bottom line is a location where you do not cast a shadow, if you cast a shadow so does your nose and every imperfection on your face. The object of the exercise is to create a good photo, not an award winning work of art, the end result from a photographer's point of view might seem a bit flat, but for your purpose this is fine.
#5 Composition
This is about you, and the location where you are going to take your picture, both require a little preparation.
Location and background. The photo you are creating is about you, not your living room, not your kitchen, not some tourist attraction, not you at the pub. So what we are looking for is something very plain and simple. A plain brick wall is good, a garden fence, green shrubbery. In other words what we are looking for is a featureless background of one simple colour, not the sky its too bright. Top choice is a white or gray wall. Look at some of the fashion pictures in some magazines, eg Hugo Boss, great pictures with a grey concrete wall as the backdrop. The net result is that the only feature of interest in the photo is you. So you need to do a little research, find one or two suitable locations.
Now lets talk about you, as you're the subject of the photo. We are going to aim to take a half body picture of you, ie head, shoulders and chest. The head because it shows your face and hair, shoulders and chest gives an indication of physic. When it comes to taking your photo you want to feel good and look good, so some tips :-
Guys make sure you have a shave before, even if you're taking the picture in the middle of the afternoon. Unless you look like Brad Pitt or David Beckham etc, designer stubble does not look good. It will make you look older and greyer, it is unlikely to make you look sexy.
Hair, make sure its neat, so you might want to avoid doing this on a windy day. For the girls hair blowing in the wind is a nice relaxed but dynamic look, but you ready need to leave this for a more professional photographic session. Otherwise you can end up looking like you have a bird's nest on your head.
Girls as regards makeup, keep it simple, imagine your going for a job interview.
Cloths, Its your face we are really interested in, so again keep it simple, so nothing too flashy or bright. No bright bold patterns, no big strips. That said wear something that you feel good in and reflects you. Guys unless you really feel its part and parcel of what you wear each day, no tie. For the guys a pain shirt works well, its crisp, clean and smart. Girls, unless you ready feel its part of your character nothing too low cut, for mainstream dating websites you ready want the guys to focus on your face.
Girls, the picture of you in the Little Black Dress, evening makeup, nice ear rings etc is a real winner, but get yourself a good photographer because the lighting composition and pose will make a big difference.
Guys, if you're into sports or some other action activity, pictures of this can make you look like you have a life. But again get yourself a professional photographer, probably with a long lens and a high speed camera.
Accessories, if you usually wear items of jewellery, or a scarf of something like that then try it is the picture. Take some pictures with and some without, and decide afterwards.
State of mind, this is really important. If your fed up, or feeling down when you take your picture, it will come across. So get yourself into a great state of mind, feel good, be happy, taking your picture for your dating profile is going to be fun. It's going to make a big difference to finding the person you want in your life.
So far so good
So just to recap :-
Camera sorted, mobile phone camera, with or without a friend.
Lighting sorted, middle of the afternoon on a bright overcast day.
Location sorted, pain single colour wall, white or gray if possible.
You sorted, hair, makeup, cloths, state of mind, you're really to have some photo fun.
#6 The photo shoot.
Wow all that stuff to think about before taking a single picture? Yeah those glossy photos you see in magazines take hours to prepare.
If your using the camera delay timer set up the camera in front of your chosen background. You want the camera at about your eye level, not below eye height, and at a distance such that it captures just your head and chest, with you standing about a meter in front of your background. This might take a couple of shots to get the framing right. If you have someone to help you all the better, same thing applies, camera at eye level, your head and chest in the frame.
With the delay timer you will need to press the shutter button on the phone / camera then move into position and wait for the camera to take the picture, that is why a 10 second delay is good, plenty of time to get into position but not too long.
Position / pose, with the greatest of respect your not a model, so keep it simple. Back to the background looking at the camera is OK, but a little stiff, but worth doing a couple of shots like this.
However, try a position where your back is at 45 degrees to the background, your face is still looking at the camera, first with the right shoulder nearest the camera, then another shot with the left shot nearest the camera.
Important with all the shots, look at the camera, eyes open, don't think of it as a camera, think of it as the person you really want to meet, oh and smile!! What sometimes helps in these situations is to think of something funny or odd that has happened to you, bring back some fond memories. Just relax and have fun. If you have someone taking the pictures for you have a fun conversation with them that is why doing this with a stranger does not work. Take a number of pictures, not just one or two.
A good professional portrait photographer will engage with you, will talk to you, and find out all about you and your life, will get you to relax, and get you to feel that a photo shot is great fun. In so doing they will get you to come out of yourself, and photograph the real you. One of the things that makes a big difference between a technically OK photographer and a really good portrait photographer is the ability to engage with the subject.
#7 After the shoot
After your photo shot upload the pictures to your computer, and leave them for a day or two. Why ? because you need to come back to select the best one, but you have to do this objectively, and doing that straight after the shoot is not the best time. After a couple days you can be much more objective about which is the best picture.
Look at all the pictures you took, and select the one that you feel best represents you. Imagine that you are someone else, which picture do you consider you are connecting with the viewer the best.
So now upload the picture to your dating profile, and see what sort of difference you will get in response.
#8 What Next?
Well that gets you a single picture on your dating profile. Reality is the dating websites are a very competitive environment, and you really need a cracking eye catching first picture to make that attention grabbing impression, plus a number of follow up pictures on your profile. The follow up pictures should not be more of the same as your first picture. That tells someone looking at your profile nothing new. What your need is four or five great looking pictures of you in difference cloths and different surroundings. Pictures that show different aspects of you, the life you lead, and your personal style etc. If your using one of the up market dating websites, those catering for professionals and / or the wealthy then a professional set of pictures are a must, it's the only way your going to get the results that you deserve, otherwise you are going to appear cheap and not seriously committed.
On the flip side if you see someone with a great set of pictures and you think you're a good match, you can contact them knowing that you're going to make a good impression. However, if you have that old tired naff picture of you on holiday wearing the sun glasses..... forget it, its not going to happen. Someone with a quality set of picture is going to attract someone just right for them, and you are going to be in a position to be much more selective.
When I started doing portrait photography for people using dating sites I will be honest and say that I considered it just a variation of the portrait business. However there is one thing I noticed with a number of clients. Quite often the people who came to my photo shoots had either been using online dating for a while without much success, or where just starting out, but had come from a relationship that had just ended.
I would say that a reasonable number did not have a great deal of confidence about their image, and felt that they where not particularly photogenic. However, once they saw a set of professionally produced pictures of themselves it gave them a big confidence boost.
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