It was June 2004. We were on the forest side of the beach camp in India. The beach was sunny and not too far away, a couple of friends had gone fishing. I was lying in a hammock reading great expectations. The detainee was shivering and a child offers him food, who first asked him to steal. The inmate is asking how it would be nice to have a party only if it is warmer clothes. Hut next to have a gas grill.
If you catch a fish, there is an optionfor use on a charcoal grill or gas grill. We had not decided which one to choose for the boy returned with five large tuna, a fish swims in the rule in areas closer to the Indian Ocean. We opted for the charcoal grill. It preserves the flavor, a friend said the believed to be a great chef. He was a seven-course meal in ten minutes flat beater, he said. Whatever the truth. We lit the charcoal. It was like the fade so that the fish was now quiet by the fire, by justwater. Forgive us, dear fish, because we have to kill to survive I remember reading the old man and the sea.
Indian spices are among the best in the world. There was a shortage of 5,000 years ago as well. The fish is cleaned with a knife and marinate with all spices. Finally, it is grilled. In addition to the fun you must decide their own food, how to cook your fish can sometimes be just the dilemma. I prefer charcoal grills, because I think it is healthierGas grills. charcoal grill protects the spices. It adds to the consistency of the food and decides to give an option of how much cooking is done on different parts of the body. gas grill indoor activities are boring, but not something you want to do after returning from fishing, would you recommend?
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