There are several factors to consider when shopping for a Bunn
Coffee Maker. By analyzing these, you are able to narrow down your
choice to the type which is best suited for you. Decisions made
early on will cut down on problems encountered later on.
First, ask yourself where the machine will be permanently placed,
how many people will be utilizing it, as well as how much space is
available for the machine. Is it for large-volume application or
small-volume application? Home models can make 10 cups at one time
while standard commercial models can churn out 12. To take the
middle ground, choose the small, commercial model known as A10 or
A10A which can brew 10 cups.
Second, make your selection from the following types: Regular
which makes coffee by the pot and has warmers to keep the liquid
hot; Pod which relies on coffee pods to make coffee by the cup
(rather than employ coffee grounds); Airpot which allows coffee to
remain hot and fresh for longer periods of time and which can be
moved from location to location because it lacks a warmer; Thermal
which deposits the coffee into thermal carafes or thermal servers;
Satellite that makes .5 to 1 gallon of coffee at a fast clip;
SoftHeat which makes .5, 1 or 1.5 gallons at a time; ThermoFresh
which permits the user to make various types of brew through
different coffee recipes; Liquid that relies on liquid coffee
concentrate to produce huge volumes of coffee at a time; and Urn
that can brew 11.4 to 18.8 gallons per hour (this differs
according to the model.)
Third, consider the waterline hook-up. A pourover feature requires
the operator to funnel water into the top of the machine prior to
operation. This feature can be found in regular, airpot and
thermal models. The automatic feature allows the coffee maker to
be connected to a waterline which lets the hot water reservoir to
be automatically filled. With the automatic feature, users can
still rely on its fallback pourover feature to fill the machine if
a waterline is not available.
Fourth, look at the number of warmers the machine has. This, however,
is only available on regular brewers, with options ranging from 1
to 6 warmers.
Fifth, does it have a hot water faucet? Such a feature can be
found on regular, airpot and thermal brewers. Pourover machines
lack this option. This feature is standard for the bigger brewers
such as Satellite and Urn.
Sixth, look for the Digital Brewer Control feature in those coffee
making models with DBC in their model name. This means it has
touchpad digital technology which offers integrated electronic
diagnostics, automatic shut-off, higher brewing volume, faster
recovery time, additional hot water from the faucet, and improved
temperature control. This type of machine does not have a pourover
Once you've decided which features you want in your Bunn Coffee
Maker, you are ready to select which model is best suited to your