If you live in a cold regions of the world, it is best that you acquire for itself a durable notebook that the cold for long periods can be maintained. This type of portable computer can be a bit 'expensive, but it will be worth it, because they counted on even in extreme cold. The rugged laptops are properly assessed and passedMIL-STD-810F. If you can not afford a rugged laptop, the second option in laptop sleeves, have their names deliberately designed to invest your laptop warm.
Remember what Mom always told to stay and cold. As far as possible to get a shelter from the snow, so it's a big no-no, as much time outdoors as you carry your laptop, even if it is placed on the bag as he was still able to spend some 'moisture and moisture may accumulatedo a lot of damage. After removal from the cold, leave your laptop in and out before you turn. Give him time to adjust to room temperature first. This is the same when the notebook open on the outside but open from the snow, of course. Cup warmer in your pocket or do not work their charm on laptops, but could actually get back to you. These things were not specifically designed to heat laptop to use it as such.
Place your laptop in the trunk of your car is abad idea, even if it is in a laptop bag is well insulated and padded, as the cold air it could very well to freezing. This is the use of heating pads and true. The handset itself is to be so hot now is the time. When this happens, the laptop will certainly be damaged, and it follows that you will lose all stored information and data. If you think it might be a good idea, even if the laptop is in the laptop bag to use, you are wrong. This is not recommended for the aircould not move even in the small space of the laptop bag and offered to build as a result of heat. And do not think you can, your laptop heats up home-made devices that will help. Your creativity can be a cause of damage, it would be better to go for those devices that have been tested and have confessed, and standards have been established.
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